Here is some of my HAM stuff.
Kenwood TM-V71A This is a great radio. It is in my car.
Yaesu FT-991A This is an all in one base radio. I have learned alot by using this radio.
Luiton LT-590 This is a UHF radio. Not expensive but works great.
Baofeng UV-82 I have two of these handheld radios.
Baofeng UV-5R I have two of these. I think they are a great radio, especially for beginners as they are not expensive.
Baofeng UV-9R I have one of these waterproof handhelds.
Diamond X50A Antenna This is the antenna I have on a 20 foot mast. The antenna is five feet long.
Hardened Systems Operator 115 Makes a great portable GMRS radio rig.
MFJ-4230MVP Power Supply A great, quiet power supply.
Midland MTX115 mobile GMRS I have this in my Operator 115.
Midland GTX1000 handhelds Nice handheds.
Anytone AT779UV Very small GMRS mobile radio.